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Join Sons of The American Legion

Many people wonder why they should belong to The Sons Of The American Legion. We have three good reasons, our Country, our Family, and our Veterans.

Our Country

  • To uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.

  • To honor my forefather’s service to our country.

  • To perpetuate (encourage) the true spirit and positive view toward Americanism.

  • To help our children of (and into) tomorrow.

  • To assist teaching all Americans of all ages what it took to make our country great.

  • To keep freedom alive.

  • To reinstate our loyalty and patriotism and beliefs in America.

  • To help our country prepare for the future through the ideals established by our forefathers.

  • To provide various services to the community, state and nation.

  • To protect our nation’s flag and to educate youth on flag etiquette.

  • To support The American Legion and its programs.

  • To respect our parent organization.

  • To give back, for what The American Legion has done for my family and me.

  • To make our support of The American Legion Family as strong as possible.

  • To help teach our youth the principles of justice, freedom and democracy.

  • To unite with others who belong to the organization with a shared interest.

  • To learn how to conduct a meeting using Robert’s Rules of Order.

  • To be a part of The American Legion Family, and to help preserve it.

  • To help the Sons of The American Legion become a better organization for all those who belong and for all who are helped through the Sons of The American Legion programs.

  • To help prepare our youth in their ability to succeed.

Our Family

  • To help care for all veterans who served our nation by assisting the VA&R and the VAVS programs.

  • To impact my community in a positive way, by helping and assisting veterans, and supporting various American Legion programs.

  • To provide assistance to all veterans, especially those in need of care.

  • To help assure that our veterans, POWs and MIAs from all wars will never be forgotten.

  • To show pride for those who served this country to keep us free.

  • For God and country, and to support our veterans and their families.

  • To show the pride we take knowing our contributions to The American Legion and its charitable programs are making a difference for the youth of America.

  • To help those in need.

Our Veterans

SAL Membership Eligibility Requirements


All male descendants, adopted sons, and stepsons of members of The American Legion, and such male descendants of veterans who died in service during World War I, and December 7, 1941, to date, as set forth in Article IV, Section 1, of the National Constitution of The American Legion, or who died subsequent to their honorable discharge from such service, shall be eligible for membership in the Sons of The American Legion.

There shall be no forms or class of membership except an active membership.


Print an application »

  • Membership applications can be delivered to an


See what membership has to offer you.

The American Legion, commonly known as the Legion, is a non-profit organization of U.S. war veterans headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana. It comprises state, U.S. territory, and overseas departments, in turn, made up of local posts.

American Legion Post 791

Address:  360 N White Road, San Jose Ca 95127

Phone #:  (408) 929-8277

© 2023 by American Legion

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